I can still remember my younger years where I used to follow her wherever she goes. I always grab her dress whenever I felt she’s going somewhere, she cannot do anything but to bring me along with her. At a very young age, I am very familiar with Baclaran Church already; we normally go there at least once or twice a month to collect her monthly pension. After that, we would eat somewhere (which is my favorite part) and bring some pasalubong for my cousins. I was with her wherever she goes.
But time runs so fast, I grew up fast and she grew old, old enough that she cannot travel anymore which leaves me to be alone…which is fine with me then. That was the time where I became a very awful grandchild. I became so mad that all I want is to be with my friends and hate it to help in any household chores which my Lola hated me as well. It’s just like that, nothing more serious fight.
As I became mature, I understand why she had to be like that, her mood swings and everything. I accepted it, there were still several quarrels, but it’s normal. But as days went by, she got sick… There I find myself preparing…preparing that anytime soon, she will leave us…She stayed in the hospital for almost a month and it had been my temporary home as well while studying. I would sleep beside her and wake up every hour just to pray a rosary. Though I prepared myself, I still asked God if she can still be with us till I finished my College and got a job so I could still take care of her, buy her clothes, buy her a new pair of slippers, bring her to any place she wants, return all the money I took from her, basically, return all the good favor she did for me and for my family. But I only had that time and for the last time she waited for me till I reached home from school, just in time before she had her final breath…
Till now, I'm still talking to her, asking her to guide me and my family always, requesting her to visit me in my dreams, just in my dreams,hehehehe….
To you, my Lola Tayang, just want to let you know that I really miss you….i love you and see you soon…

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