For those two months that i am not around, there's a lot of things happened. Things that made me think twice for the decisions that i have made. Yes I'm back on track, back to reality, back to work, back to pressure and back to thinking - "Did i made the right decision?" Yes I am not happy, for now, maybe because the pressure are way too big on my head, the expectations was incomparable from what was on mind before, and LONELINESS surrounds me here in Abu dhabi. People i used to hang out with were not beside me anymore to cheer me up, to make tsismis, to stop for awhile and just laugh for nothing, to share thoughts with, to go out every Thursday aftenoon, eat out, go window shopping,and a lot more...Yes I miss them, i miss those days...But as i think further and deeply, i feel ashamed of myself...this is what i asked for HIM...this is what i prayed and cried for HIM...this is exactly the same place i want to be...and yet I am having second thoughts?
For now this is what i am feeling, a feeling that i don't want to stay here in my heart. I will pray, pray hard tonight that when i wake up tomorrow, at least apart of this negative thoughts will be relieved.

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